At The Movies
March 3-17, 2024
By far this is one of our favorite series of the year for the entire family called "At the Movies!" Join us every Sunday in person from March 3-17, 2024 for this unforgettable time in God's house, when we combine a movie with a powerful message to share a truth that can change your life!
Due to copyright laws, we cannot stream "At the Movies" online, so make plans to join us now! You don't want to miss any message in this series!
Due to copyright laws, we cannot stream "At the Movies" online, so make plans to join us now! You don't want to miss any message in this series!

Tell me more...
Where does this happen?
“At the Movies” will be held during the weekend services March 3-17, 2024! Souls Church: 8775 Highway 95 NW, Princeton, MN, 55371
What should I expect?
That’s a great question. There will be FREE pre-packaged popcorn and pop available before and after the service begins. Take pictures with your favorite movie characters. Uplifting music. Plus an encouraging message through a “movie” each week!

How long is each service "At The Movies"?
Every weekend service will be 75-90 minutes long, beginning at 9:00am every Sunday!
Is there something special for kids?
Yes, every weekend our kids will be part of their own services for “At the Movies” – plus there are real-life movie characters for our kids to get their picture taken with each weekend. This is a great series for the entire family.
Is childcare available at these services?
Yes, the nursery care is available at every service – for newborns to age 3. You can pre-register your kids online here:
What is a service like during this series?

A countdown video starts each weekend, followed by a time of uplifting music, short encouragement, video announcements, and then THE MOVIE – which will feature a Hollywood movie sharing a spiritual message and truth that can change your life.
Each service will end with prayer and a chance to respond to what God speaks to you!
This is a service you have to experience – just once!
Each service will end with prayer and a chance to respond to what God speaks to you!
This is a service you have to experience – just once!
How much does the service cost?
Good one. Everything is FREE. We would love to have you as our guest any weekend during this series. Come and enjoy a service at Souls Church!

Due to legal restrictions, At the Movies will not be archived or streamed online. There will be great opportunities each weekend for you to experience At the Movies in person at one of weekend services, we would love to have you join us.