January 17, 2024

“ Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?...” (Isaiah 58:6, NIV)

Let's face it. Most attempts to get free from something fail.

If you've been wrestling with any struggle  for any length of time, you already know the drill. Come clean. Get accountable. Install web filters or monitoring software on your devices. Double your efforts and try harder until you eventually fall anyway. Rinse. Repeat.

It's time to be honest. It time to GROW! The grit your teeth and white-knuckle your way to freedom approach isn’t working. It leaves masses of people stuck in a hopeless cycle of defeat for years—wanting desperately to be free from something, but unsure of what to do differently.

Perhaps you know the feeling...

Dallas Willard famously said, “Most Christians live between ceaseless striving and brokenness, but the gospel shows us a better way.”

Fasting is one of the ways, just one of the ingredients to accelerate your growth and  focus on the spirit and see the flesh scream its way out of what has been allowed in your life.

Remember, freedom through fasting is just ONE PIECE of the puzzle, and freedom may not happen in a day, but it can happen as you seek God - day by day.

Think of the areas you could become free and grow today - your attitude, social life, finances, a struggle, judgmentalism, a critical spirit, in your relationships, in your career, in your spiritual life - you name it!

What areas do you want to grow and be free today?