Dream Team

Annual Sign-Off

Our Mission

The mission of our Dream Team is to be a community of people that build the body of Christ by each person fulfilling their calling and serving to help make an eternal difference. 

Dream Team // Annual Sign-Off

 Fill out the below recommitment by SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2023.

PLEASE READ: "Honor Code" Commitment of a Dream Teamer:

"I commit to endeavor to live my life in a way that honors God and brings glory to the name of Jesus. By God's grace, I will continue to walk out my salvation, attend Souls Church as my home church consistently and with the help of the Holy Spirit, strive to focus on pleasing Christ by living and serving according to God's Word with all my heart. I will honor Christ in my attitude, in my actions, in my speech and in all areas of my conduct. If I choose to not to abide by this commitment, my participation on this team is at the discretion of my dream team ministry leader. I realize I am a witness for Jesus and represent Christ to my family, friends, and others and also am a representative of our church family at all times. I will endeavor to live out my Christian faith, as well as this "honor code" - by God's grace every day!"

We are honored that you have chosen to serve God with your time, gifts, resources and passions! We will do everything we can to create a life-giving culture of respect, excellence, communication, development and opportunity for you to fulfill what God has placed in your heart. We are excited to have you part of your team, the best is yet to come!