Leadership Form
"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers and leaders, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood..." - Acts 20:28
Our leadership members are a vital part of our church family. Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less. It is also a calling and God has given each of us as leaders unique gifts and abilities to serve our generation well. At Souls Church, we have several levels of leadership development in our pipeline, so to begin this process, complete the leadership application below and we will be in touch.
Our leadership members are a vital part of our church family. Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less. It is also a calling and God has given each of us as leaders unique gifts and abilities to serve our generation well. At Souls Church, we have several levels of leadership development in our pipeline, so to begin this process, complete the leadership application below and we will be in touch.