Frequently Asked Questions | Serve Day
When do Serve Days take place?
Every month on the last Saturday of the month from 8 am-12 pm.
What is the purpose of the Serve Days?
We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus by loving our immediate church family as well as our community with God’s love. We have a three-fold audience base during our serve days: to help those in our congregation that are elderly or shut-ins, to serve single moms, and serve those in our community outside of our church body.
What ages can serve?
Depending on the workload for that day, any age is welcome to serve granted they can help or entertain themselves. We will unfortunately not have childcare available at any event.
What happens at a typical serve day?
We will always start with a moment of prayer, instruction for the event – then serve, serve, serve – always ending on time!
Can I sign up to serve for part an event?
Yes, if you are able to serve one hour or the full four hours, anything is helpful!
What do I wear?
We will provide you with a serve day t-shirt and whatever else you’d like that is fitting for the job.
Do I have to be a member to serve at a Serve Day event?
No, everyone is welcome to help serve.
If something comes up, who do I contact about not being able to serve?
Two ways you can reach us: email us at or call Don Hannay (Serve Day Lead) at 763 234-3514!