Water Baptism

I Have Decided.  To follow Jesus.

We are so excited that you are wanting to take your next step and be water baptized at Souls Church! It will be a spiritual milestone in your life. we want you to be fully aware of the significance and spiritual meaning of water baptism in the life of a believer.

Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. Jesus was baptized when He was on the earth, and we do this to follow His example. When Christians are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection.

Water Baptism Devotion

"I am getting Baptized" (Part 1)

When you decide to get water baptized, you are obeying Jesus' first commandment - and it is such a powerful step! Check out what can happen when you take this next step in this mini devo.

"an outward picture" (PArt 2)

"Baptism is the advertisement of your faith to the world." Find out more how you too can reflect outwardly, your inward decision.

"A decision of Faith" (part 3)

Are you choosing to let Jesus be in charge of your life?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Now that you're ready to be baptized, what's next?

Attend a service

Join us in a Sunday any month where we will worship, share a message to grow your faith life and celebrate water baptism once a semester. 

Invite family & friends

Water baptism is a time of celebration and public declaration of new life in Christ. Bring your friends and family with you to any weekend service so you can celebrate together. 
We provide everything you need
Don’t worry about what to bring for water baptism. Our team has safely prepared everything you need, including a Baptism t-shirt you get to keep. 

Enjoy the moment

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Water Baptism- What's Next?

Invite Others

like your friends, family, and those that are special and important in your life to be part of the baptism service! It is a day to celebrate. 

Come Expecting

God to meet you right where you are that day! Prepare your heart by reading this devotional again the night before the service to stir up your faith! 

Come Prepared

by picking up your “I Have Decided T-Shirt” right before service in the lobby. Feel free to wear dark shorts and your baptism t-shirt during service as the baptism will take place right at the end of service. 
Water Baptism Questions?

Feel free to email us:
contact@soulschurch.org or text our online team at 763-600-7040!